تجربة بحث SSR

Montreal resides in Quebec Province and is Canada’s second largest city, renowned for its nightlife and literary scene. The city's dual personality is reflected in its architecture as well as its population. European in style, Montréal is filled with cobbled streets, chic shops and fascinating museums.

Explore Montreal

Essential information for Montreal

  1. Time zone

    UK - 5 hours

  2. اللغة


  3. Currency

    Canadian Dollar $

  4. مدة الرحلة الجوية

    Indirect flight

  1. جدول مواعيد الرحلات

    Flights available with Virgin Atlantic partner airlines

  2. Do I need a visa?

    Yes. If you’re arriving into or transiting through Canada by air from either the UK or another destination e.g. the USA, you’ll need an eTA.

  3. Eating out

    There are some excellent gourmet French restaurants with an abundance of seafood, steaks, and delicious puddings - using maple syrup - Canada's natural staple!

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