تجربة بحث SSR
Singapore Holidays
Singapore Holidays

...before taking a river trip on the 'bum boats', once used to take goods to the warehouses. Visit the famous Raffles Hotel, where a singapore sling in the Long Bar is essential.

Essential information for Singapore

  1. Time zone

    UK + 7 hours

  2. اللغة

    Malay and English

  3. Currency

    دولار سنغافوري

  4. مدة الرحلة الجوية

    12h 55m indirect flight

  1. جدول مواعيد الرحلات

    Fly to Singapore with Air France, KLM or Emirates.

  2. Do I need a visa?

    British citizens do not require a visa for travel.

  3. Serious shopping

    Shops open till 9.00pm or 10.00pm (except for Mustafa Centre in Little India, open 24 hours a day!). On Sundays, head to Clarke Quay markets, down by the river - you'll find all sorts of exotica. Come in June to attack the great Singapore sale - it's a retail frenzy!

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